These searches allow us to get stringent, and in some cases unique bounds on new physics. Characterized by long baseline, huge fluxes and low energies they are a powerful set-up to search for new physics beyond the standard 3 paradigm: new neutrino states, sterile neutrinos, non-standard neutrino interactions, effects of violation of fundamental symmetries, new dynamics of neutrino propagation, probes of space and time. Solar neutrino studies provide a sensitive way to test theory of neutrino oscillations and conversion. 2 3 The neutrino is so named because it is electrically neutral and because its rest mass is so small ( -ino) that it was long thought to be zero. Parameters and m 2 21 have been measured extracted from the solar data is in agreement with results from reactor experiments. A neutrino ( / njutrino / new-TREE-noh denoted by the Greek letter ) is a fermion (an elementary particle with spin of 1 2) that interacts only via the weak interaction and gravity. The XXVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2016) will be held in London from Monday 4 July to Saturday 9 July 2016.

LMA MSW has been established as the true solution of the solar neutrino problem. It includes oscillations in vacuum and matter, resonance flavor conversion and resonance oscillations, spin and spin-flavor precession, etc. The theory of neutrino propagation in different media with matter and fields has been elaborated. Solar neutrino studies triggered and largely motivated the major developments in neutrino physics in the last 50 years. ICTP, Strada Costiera 11, 34014, Trieste, Italy Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117, Heidelberg, Germany Instituto de Fısica Teórica UAM/CSIC, Calle de Nicolás Cabrera 13-15, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, E-28049, Madrid, Spain IceCube researchers are once more joining the longstanding biennial Neutrino conference. Finally, we briefly discuss the implications of the above results on the three non-oscillation observables sensitive to the (unknown) absolute ν mass scale: the sum of ν masses Σ (in cosmology), the effective ν e mass m β (in beta decay), and the effective Majorana mass m β β (in neutrinoless double beta decay).Michele Maltoni 1 and Alexei Yu. We also describe in detail the covariances of selected pairs of oscillation parameters.

Assuming an alternative (so-called LEM) analysis of NO ν A data, some δ ranges can be excluded at > 3 σ, and the normal mass hierarchy appears to be slightly favored at ∼ 90 % C.L. Concerning the unknown parameters, we confirm the previous intriguing preference for negative values of sin δ (with best-fit values around sin δ ≃ − 0.9), but we find no statistically significant indication about the θ 23 octant or the mass hierarchy (normal or inverted). With respect to previous global fits, we find that the reanalysis of KamLAND data induces a slight decrease of both δ m 2 and sin 2 θ 12, while the latest accelerator and atmospheric data induce a slight increase of | Δ m 2 |. We encourage young researchers in the neutrino physics community to. We discuss improved constraints on the five known oscillation parameters ( δ m 2, | Δ m 2 |, sin 2 θ 12, sin 2 θ 13, sin 2 θ 23), and the status of the three remaining unknown parameters: the mass hierarchy, the θ 23 octant, and the possible CP-violating phase δ. Within the standard 3 ν mass–mixing framework, we present an up-to-date global analysis of neutrino oscillation data (as of January 2016), including the latest available results from experiments with atmospheric neutrinos (Super-Kamiokande and IceCube DeepCore), at accelerators (first T2K ν ‾ and NO ν A ν runs in both appearance and disappearance modes), and at short-baseline reactors (Daya Bay and RENO far/near spectral ratios), as well as a reanalysis of older KamLAND data in the light of the “bump” feature recently observed in reactor spectra.